Thursday, 2 July 2015

Node JS At A Glance

Instant notifications, lighting fast loading of web pages, seamless streaming, flawless buffering and what not. Web was not like this before the invention of node js. If we turn back the clock, we would find that websites weighed heavy, flooding with the codes of flash and applet resulting in not only slow responses but poor reliability too. However Java Script and JASON together on a stack had immense capabilities, yet node js proved more efficient. In 2009, Ryan Dahl invented node with the hope to see it as a tool for making websites with push notification capability like Facebook and Gmail which indeed came true. Node.js is not only an open source runtime environment for server side and networking applications but also an efficient framework capable of handling real time applications which process intensive data, distributed across devices. Its applications are written in java script which in turns uses V8 parser by Google. Node.js provides non blocking event driven I/O paradigm which eventually facilitates two way communication i.e. both client and server can initiate communication.
Node JS

Unlike conventional techniques, which make use of separate thread for each connection, node.js manages thousands of concurrent connection on a single thread. This saves both RAM usage and cost of context switching between the threads. Such features of node.js were the reasons, that it prevailed and become pioneer in web technologies. Today, most of the sites make use of node.js, while web applications facilitating chat and data streaming can be very easily developed by implementing it. 

Apart from this, applications for automation or Internet of Things are also written in node.js. Thus it can be concluded that near future of web is solely dependent on node than any other technology. 

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